時間:2018-12-19 來源:重慶網 作者:cqw.cc 我要糾錯
重慶市外國人簽證證件受理點 | ||||
序號 | 名稱 | 辦證廳地址 | 咨詢電話 | |
1 | 重慶市公安局出入境管理局 辦證大廳 EEAB Visa Application Center of Chongqing Municipal PSB |
金石大道311號 No.311, Jinshi Avenue, Yubei District |
023-63961944 | |
2 | 渝中區公安分局(較場口) 出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point(Jiaochangkou) in Yuzhong District |
和平路1號星河城1樓行政服務大廳 (Administrative Service Center on the 1st floor of Xinghecheng Building) No.1, Heping Road |
023-63849400 | |
3 | 江北區公安分局(紅旗河溝) 出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point(Hongqihegou) in Jiangbei District |
洋河一村68號(老海關背后,重慶市市政設計研究院旁) No.68, Yangheyi Village |
023-67758476 | |
4 | 南岸區公安分局(南坪西路) 出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point(Nanpingxi Road) in Nan’an District |
南坪西路36號(上海城嘉發跨貿中心二樓) No.36, Nanpingxi Road |
023-62807722 | |
5 | 沙坪壩區公安分局(都市花園)出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point(Dushihuayuan) in Shapingba District |
都市花園東路7號 No.7, Dushihuayuan East Road |
023-65535069 | |
6 | 九龍坡區公安分局(紅獅大道)出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point(Hongshi Avenue) in Jiulongpo District |
紅獅大道1號九龍坡區公安分局(巴國城對面) No.1, Hongshi Avenue |
023-63751337 | |
7 | 大渡口區公安分局出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point in Dadukou District |
翠柏路100號(大渡口區分局正大門右側) No.100, Cuibo Road |
023-65367231 | |
8 | 北碚區公安分局出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point in Beibei District |
馮時行路308號 No.308, Fengshixing Road |
023-68316232 | |
9 | 渝北區公安分局(順義路) 出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point (Shunyi Road) in Yubei District |
兩路西區(空港新城)順義路36號渝北區行政服務中心 No.36, Shuiyi Road |
023-67833041 | |
10 | 巴南區公安分局出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point in Ba’nan District |
龍洲大道66號(巴南區公安分局大門旁) No.66, Longzhou Avenue |
023-66371300 | |
11 | 兩江新區公安分局出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point in Liangjiang New District |
金開大道19號 No.19, Jinkai Avenue |
023-63218929 | |
12 | 萬盛經濟技術開發區分局出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point in Wansheng District |
塔山路1號行政服務中心二樓 Nio.1, Tashan Road |
023-48297087 | |
13 | 雙橋經濟技術開發區分局出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point in Shuangqiao District |
雙北路103號 No.103, Shuangbei Road |
023-43330110 | |
14 | 涪陵區公安局出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point in Fuling District |
順江大道6號(行政審批服務中心四樓公安窗口) No.6, Shunjiang Avenue |
023-72203672 | |
15 | 萬州區公安局出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point in Wanzhou District |
江南新區岑公路2號 No.2, Cengong Road, Jiangnan New Zone |
17783202044 | |
16 | 黔江區公安局出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point in Qianjiang District |
正陽街道巴楚大道333號 No.333, Bachu Avenue, Zhengyang Street |
023-79332032 | |
17 | 永川區公安局出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point in Yongchuan District |
人民北路6號(便民服務中心) No.6, Renmin North Road |
023-61163260 | |
18 | 合川區公安局出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point in Hechuan District |
南津街希爾安大道223號(行政服務中心A區) No.223, Xi’er’an Avenue, Nanjin Street |
023-42875033 | |
19 | 江津區公安局出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point in Jiangjin District |
濱江新城濱州東路9號 No.9, Binzhou East Road, Binjiang New Town |
023-47534694 | |
20 | 南川區公安局出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point in Nanchuan District |
金山大道11號 No.11, Jinshan Avenue |
023-71687074 | |
21 | 綦江區公安局出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point in Qijiang District |
通惠大道69號 No.69, Tonghui Avenue |
023-48602627 | |
22 | 長壽區公安局出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point in Changshou District |
桃花新城桃源大道1號 No.1, Taoyuan Avenue, Taohua New Town |
023-40232139 | |
23 | 銅梁區公安局出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point in Tongliang District |
龍門街500號(行政服務大廳) No.500, Longmen Street |
023-45874039 | |
24 | 大足區公安局出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point in Dazu District |
棠香街道一環南路東段153號 No.153, Eastern Reach of Yihuan South Road, Tangxiang Street |
023-43765210 | |
25 | 璧山區公安局出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point in Bishan District |
文風路109號 No.109, Wenfeng Road |
023-41411616 | |
26 | 潼南區公安局出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point in Tongnan District |
桂林街道巴渝大道288號隆鑫中央大街C區7號樓B幢底樓(桂林街道辦事處斜對面) No.288, Bayun Avenue, Guilin Street |
023-44682275 | |
27 | 榮昌區公安局出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point in Rongchang District |
昌元街道昌龍大道43號附27號行政服務中心三樓(農業大廈群樓) #27, No.43, Changlong Avenue, Changyuan Street |
023-46779759 | |
28 | 開州區公安局出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point in Kaizhou District |
文峰街道開州大道東1333號 No.1333, East of Kaizhou Avenue, Wenfeng Street |
023-52124163 | |
29 | 梁平區公安局出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point in Liangping District |
桂西路15號(行政服務中心3號樓一樓) No.15, Guixi Road |
023-53242087 | |
30 | 武隆區公安局出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point in Wulong District |
鳳山街道長峽路66號 No.66, Changxia Road, Fengshan Street |
023-77712770 | |
31 | 城口縣公安局出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point in Chengkou County |
南大街1號三樓 3rd Floor, No.1, Nanda Street |
023-59224180 | |
32 | 墊江縣公安局出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point in Dianjiang County |
桂西大道南段208號行政服務中心 N0.208, Southern Reach of Guixi Avenue |
023-74522933 | |
33 | 豐都縣公安局出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point in Fengdu County |
三合街道平都大道西段58號(縣行政服務中心三樓) No.58, Western Reach of Pingdu Avenue, Sanhe Street |
023-70607351 | |
34 | 忠縣公安局出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point in Zhongxian County |
忠州大道紅星中路48號 No.48, Hongxingzhong Road, Zhongzhou Avenue |
023-54455115 | |
35 | 云陽縣公安局出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point in Yunyang County |
雙江鎮望江大道819號 No.819, Wangjiang Avenue, Shuangjiang Town |
023-55162625 | |
36 | 奉節縣公安局出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point in Fengjie County |
夔州路74號(交巡警大隊旁) No.74, Kuizhou Road |
023-56516036 | |
37 | 巫山縣公安局出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point in Wushan County |
高唐街道廣東中路2號 No.2, Guangdongzhong Road, Gaotang Street |
023-57650135 | |
38 | 巫溪縣公安局出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point in Wuxi County |
馬鎮壩春申大道200號 (巫溪縣行政服務中心) No.200, Chunshen Avenue, Mazhenba |
023-51331579 | |
39 | 酉陽縣公安局出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point in Youyang County |
鐘多街道何家壩路558號 No0.558, Hejiaba Road, Zhongduo Street |
023-75413534 | |
40 | 秀山縣公安局出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point in Xiushan County |
中和街道鳳棲北路101號(縣公安局大門右側) No.101, Fengxibei Road, Zhonghe Street |
023-76036468 | |
41 | 彭水縣公安局出入境辦證廳 EEAB Visa application point in Pengshui County |
紹慶街道下壩街38號兩江行政大樓2樓 No.38, Xiaba Road, Shaoqing Street |
023-78842967 | |
42 | 石柱縣公安局出入境辦證大廳 EEAB Visa application point in Shizhu County |
萬安街道甄子坪路166號 No.166, Zhenziping Road, Wan’an Street |
023-73334080 |